Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Great Granny Blocks

I am sew behind on my great granny blocks. It's been busy trying to sew for business and our kiddos still on summer break. I am going to miss hanging out and staying up late when they go back to school in a couple of weeks. Early morning hours (5:30 AM) are not my thing. I figured in order to remedy my sewing for fun situation, I would get up a bit earlier than our kids so I can get some fun sewing in. I then put in about 3 hours of work then they're up and I've got everything I need done. I am happy because I had some fun sewing time and accomplished something and our kids are happy because they get their sleep and I am free to hangout with them ; -)
Without further are two more great granny blocks made from the Rooftop Garden jellyroll by Moda. I am usually more of a traditional warm colors kind of gal but lately I am really liking these bright prints. Ok, off to get some work done.

My Memories giveaway is still going on and there are no entries so if you want to snag a great digital scrapbooking software, I would say you have an excellent chance of winning. Click here to go to the giveaway post. It's really easy. I don't make you jump through hoops :-)

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