Friday, September 5, 2014

The Ironing Board Cover

I have projects that I was wanting to do but my ripped up ironing board was not making me motivated to do anything so I pulled out fabrics from my stash and made a new cover. I used my ironing board as a template and added 3 1/2" to the actual size.

I then cut 2 1/2" strips, sew them together to create a casing for the ribbon that I used to thread it through the casing. I used the ribbon to be able to pull it to fit the way I needed it to. I did finish the raw edges so everything looks nice and pretty.

Hubby came home and thought I bought a new cover. Silly guy ;-)


Jeanna said...

Great job Kim. I desperately need a new ironing board cover but I'll likely break down and purchase one.

Have a great weekend...hope you get to some of your other projects.

Sandie @ crazy'boutquilts said...

And it looks great! Now I wouldn't want to stain it. LOL Happy weekend!!

Missy Shay said...

You did a good job on it!

Carol Swift said...

Great way to get motivated...very, very nice! I need that kind of motivation, too!

Anthea said...

Well done Kim, it looks great...
I'm a terrible one for letting my cover get really tragic before I replace it...