Monday, July 16, 2012

Great Granny Along Quilt Blocks

Happy Monday! Hope you all had a great weekend. I took our girls on a bit of a cupcake outing. That's a whole other story, but I did finish some more great granny blocks. I started out with 3 blocks until I went in to start placing my watermark and noticed one of them was not quite right so now I have only 2 to show you. I have to fix the third one. 

I am loving this color combo. The colors in the Rooftop Garden jellyroll is a bit on the bright side for me but it is really growing on me. Love it!!!

That's all for now. I'll be back another day to show you the third one that I made a mistake on. I am not looking forward to using that seam ripper :-(

A reminder, today is the last day for the Red, White & Blue blog hop. Click here for some wonderful inspirations.


Sheila said...

Love your "Granny Blocks".

Quilt n Queen said...

The Rooftop Garden colors are your blocks...I'm going to have to start another Great Granny Squares RW&B one is on the frame ready to quilt...maybe today I will get it quilted. Hoping you haven't trimmed the 'oops' block. Have wonderful week Kim!!

Dandelion Quilts said...

That sures pops off the white...looks great.