Friday, May 4, 2012

Baby Gifts

These flannel baby blankets and burp cloths are gifts for a family member. I am a little late getting them done, but I guess you could say better late than never. Instead of making these blankets like the receiving blankets that only has one layer, I pieced the top and put a backing on it. The baby will stay nice and toasty. I have just the right amount left from cutting the blankets so I made a couple of burp cloths. I do have 3 larger pieces that I will make more baby blankets, but this time, I will turn them into receiving blankets instead. I don't really want any flannels laying around unfinished.

That's all for today. Have a GREAT weekend!

Linking up to the following linky parties:

See Vanessa Craft

The Shabby Nest 


HLB123 said...

Neat project. Do you use a fusing product to keep the two layers together on the receiving blankets?

HLB123 said...

Neat Project! What did you bind the layers together with?

Julie said...

I am inviting you to come and be part of my blog hop:

Unknown said...

So cute! I love handmade gifts:) Thanks so much for sharing at Two Sasters!!

Baby gifts said...

So cute gifts.All gifts are very good.i like all handmade gifts.Thanks for sharing.

Hakuna Matata said...

Cute! I love it. What a nice idea you have. Here is the other site : that can help you on your cute ideas..