Saturday, April 21, 2012

FNSI Finishes

I finished these two pillowcases last night and was hoping to get the pictures taken earlier this morning to post, but didn't get a chance to. We just got back a little while ago and I am so glad it wasn't dark so I could get a good picture of these pillowcases. These pillowcases will be going to the folks at Conkerr Cancer first thing Monday. I am so glad I participated in Friday Night Sew In to make these pillowcases. They are so quick and easy to make. I whipped these two up within 30 minutes. I think I am going to be making more real soon :-)

Linking up to:

sew many ways


Impera Magna said...

Beautiful pillowcases.... I know that they are going to brighten up someone's life soon!

Sara said...

I adore making pillow cases. Such a nice,fresh quickly rewarded project to undertake! You are giving them to such a worthy cause good for you!!

Sally said...

I love making pillowcases, especially since they are an instant gratification type project. Glad you are able to donate these for a worthy cause.

Toodie said...

Full of color and so pretty. I know they'll be appreciated!

Heidi said...

Adorable fabrics! Thank you so much for participating!