Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What a Challenge

Saturday, Mar. 3rd, the youth in my church had an activity to do. The activity was to walk 22 miles from our church building to the temple in La Jolla. This was a great way for our youth to know that they can do hard things and boy was it tough physically and mentally. We had a great turnout, 150+ youth and adults. I went on the walk to support my children.  

We walked up this long road.

We crossed the 8 Freeway.

We walked through a few cities.

Across a waterfall. We had to take our shoes and socks off. I was told this was the short cut to shave off a couple of miles. After this, we put our shoes back on and had to hike up Mission Trail. This trail was what did us all in. It was so steep, I thought I wasn't going to make it.

After going up the trail we went down another trail. This was so steep going down we had to go really slow so that we don't slip and fall.

There were more freeways and wooded trails to cross. We had checkpoints along the way with refreshments to help us keep going and people cheering us on. At certain points, I thought I was going to die. I couldn't breathe well and every bone in my body hurt. My girls and their friends that were with me were doing great even though they were in as much pain as I was.  I just kept thing that we all need to make it to the temple in La Jolla. Slowly but surely we got there. 

I am so proud of my kids and the youth for taking this challenge. I was paying attention to the time we arrived, but I think it took us 8 hours to walk starting at 6 am. It was long and hard but I know that they are stronger for this. 
As for me, this was one walk I will never forget. Despite the sores, blisters, aches and pains, it's been an awesome experience.

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