Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Stockings

I don't remember if I have shared these felt stockings I made. These were made before I was actively blogging so maybe you all haven't seen them yet. I have a Christmas craft book that had these patterns in it. I got ambitious one year and made them. The instructions have me making them all by hand, even the blanket stitching. Even though they are cute and all I did not make anymore after these two. We hang these up on our kids' bedroom door for Christmas.

1 comment:

VickiT said...

Those are cute stockings but I can see where they'd take a lot of time to make each one.

Can you please give me the name of that book? My son's fiancee just showed me at Thanksgiving the type of stocking she likes and it's one very much like those. She said she had those when she was little and her Mom won't let her have her stocking so she wanted to make her own.
Thank you.