Wednesday, October 26, 2011


oh why do I have to be sick when I have a ton of sewing to do? Our son's school puts on an annual festival and I participated in it last year. This year I was going to skip it but then they decided not to charge for the space so I had to take them up on it since I have nothing to lose. Our kids like to walk around and play games and eat German food so we would be at the festival anyways. I am making small things to sell so I can use up scraps and small quantities of fabrics. I cut these up for 6 zip pouches. I am hoping I would have the energy to make at least 40-50 small items in addition to my handmade cards to sell so I can clear out some space. Gotta get back to sewing before my cold gets the best of me. 


Laura said...

I hope you feel better soon.

Michelle said...

Yikes! I hope you get to feeling better. Reminder - drink lots of fluids.